Multivitamin supplements fail to boost cardiovascular health. Fred Hardinge, DrPH, RD A large meta-analysis study of over 2 million adults with a mean follow-up of 12 years found taking a daily multivitamin supplement was not associated with lower risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, or heart disease. Eating a healthy diet that varies from…
Author: Theresa Nybo
Soy Milk Can Lower Risk of Osteoporosis
by Fred Hardinge, DrPH, RD Soy milk has been shown to be equal to dairy milk in preventing osteoporosis. Soy milk, fortified and consumed at least once per day, was as effective as dairy consumption in protecting against osteoporosis. This finding comes from a cohort of 337 postmenopausal women enrolled in the Adventist Health…
Build more muscle
by Theresa Nybo Muscles don’t just belong to body builders and athletes They are important for all of us. They keep our bones in place and keep us upright. They give us the ability to move, lift, eat and enjoy life. When exercised they even increase our metabolism, which can help with weight loss,…
Alcohol and High Blood Pressure
by Fred Hardinge, DrPh, RD Even minimal levels of alcohol may influence both short- and long-term health. A large meta-analysis study including 360,000 adults and 90,000 newly diagnosed hypertensives found that men who averaged 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day had an increased risk for high blood pressure. As their alcohol intake increased, so did their…
Birds of a Feather All Stick Together
A recent study looking at social networks and academic performance found some interesting, but not totally surprising results. Friends influence friends’ grades. Students who hung out with academic achievers tended to do better academically over time. While the students who hung out with underachievers tended to have a drop in their grades. So the take…
Bad News for the Bones
by Fred Hardinge, DrPH, RD Regular consumption of cola increases the risk of low bone-mineral density in women. More than 2500 people in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study with an average age of 60 were given bone-mineral density measurements of the spine and and three different hip sites. In the women, cola drinks were associated…
Allergies and Night Owls
Is there a connection between being a night owl and having allergies? A recent study found that among teenagers asthma and allergies were more common in those who stayed up late at night and slept in, than in their “early bird” counterparts. The “night owls” were three times as likely to develop asthma and twice…
Even Overweight Boys Can Lower Their Risk of Diabetes
A study of about 63,000 Danish boys measured their body mass index (BMI)* at ages 7 and 13. By the time they reached age 30, 11% had developed type 2 diabetes. It was found that overweight seven-year old’s that remained overweight at thirteen, had an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. However, overweight boys who…
Healthy Food, Healthy Mind
byTheresa Nybo Many studies have shown that the food we eat impacts our physical health. Diet has been linked to the increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But what about the brain? It is a physical organ that gets its nourishment from the food we eat, just like the rest of the…
The Dangers of Being Sedentary
In 1954 researchers Doll and Hill published a ground-breaking study linking cigarette smoking with cancer. Up until that point, smoking was not generally considered a health hazard and, in some instances, even recommended for other ailments. This study set the tone for change and by 1962, cigarette sells fell for the first time in a…
Toddlers and Screen Time
by Theresa Nybo Small children are fascinated with screens. And they learn so quickly how to use them. How many of us haven’t seen small toddlers take their parents phones, unlock them and begin using them? And how many tired parents haven’t found a short relief in sharing a phone or tablet with a…
Fruit Fears
By Dorothea Sarli Know anyone with who is afraid of getting diabetes from fruit? Contrary to popular belief, eating whole fruits has been linked to a reduced risk of getting type 2 diabetes. But what if you already have diabetes? Do you have to give up the fruit? You might think that the…