LifeStyleTV reports from General Conference Session 2015 of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Even if you weren´t able to travel to San Antonio for the 60th General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, you can still follow along and get a taste of what is happening. Don´t miss the reports from LifeStyleTV every evening this week at from 19:00 to 19:30! There you can listen to interviews with delegates, be introduced to creative outreach ministries in the exhibit hall, and get a birds-eye view of the audience in the Alamodome, or join in the early-morning 5K fun run. You can meet a graffiti artist from Chicago who uses his painting skills to communicate spiritual concepts, or hear from organizations like HappyHand in Copenhagen which uses a second-hand store to minister to needy people.
Following this half-hour report from LifeStyleTV, is a two-hour broadcast from Hope Channel of the evening meeting from the day before, which was recorded while those of us in Scandinavia were sleeping. If you enjoy good music from around the world, you´ll love this! During the first part of the program, you´ll be treated to numerous musical selections by individuals and groups from many parts of the world, followed by reports from the various world divisions, and topped off by an inspiring message.
To wrap up the evening, ANN (Adventist News Network) reporters present the Seventh-day Adventist Church´s official daily report in a fast-moving commentary with highlights from the day.
And if you missed the report from LifeStyleTV at 19:00, you can catch it again at 22:00. Or you can find all the reports here on our webpage. Don´t miss out on these special reports, made especially for Scandinavia, direct from San Antonio!
Here´s the evening schedule again:
July 3 – July 12, 2015
19:00 – 19:30 – Inspiration from GC 2015, report from LifeStyleTV
19:00 – 21:30 – GC 2015 Evening program, from Hope Channel
21:30 – 22:00 – Official Report GC 2015
22:00 – 22:30 – Inspiration from GC 2015 (repeat)